Creating MySQL 5.7 Server with Docker

Creating MySQL 5.7 Server with Docker

Install Docker

Create Mysql Server

Now create a MySQL server container from the image. In the meantime, we will expose the 3306 port as 3307 to the local machine and set the password as root.

sudo docker run --name my-mysql -p3307:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d mysql/mysql-server:5.7

Note that this run command creates a new container from the image and starts a MySQL server on the 3307 port that can be accessible from the container outside. Here my-mysql is the container name and the --name flag is to assign the name of the container. The -d flag tells the docker to run a container in detached mode and print the unique container ID in the background.


To log in to the MySQL instance through the container follow the code below:

sudo docker exec -it my-mysql mysql -uroot -proot

This is because MySQL limits access to DB from externals IP’s . So let’s add a new user and allow access from any IP.

Now you can access the newly created container MySQL CLI and there MySQL queries can be executed.

If you see the Error message like this:

ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host ‘’ is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

This is because MySQL limits access to db from externals ip’s. So let’s add a new user and allow access from any IP.


Create a new user

mysql> CREATE USER 'NewUser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'NewUser';

Allow the user to access from any IP:

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'NewUser'@'%';

All done, if you try to access from the terminal using the below command you should be able to access the MySQL instance running in the docker container.

mysql -h localhost -P 3307 -uNewUser -p


Some other useful commands,

When you start your next docker container use

docker start my-mysql
docker restart my-mysql
docker stop my-mysql

To check your list of running docker containers

docker ps





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